Monday, April 9, 2012

Shakespear Essay

"I will praise any man that will praise me."
- William Shakespeare

What William Shakespeare is trying to put out there is that since he was very brilliant and smart, he will praise anyone who understands him for Shakespeare. The way I understand this quote is he is pretty much stating that if you show me respect I will give it to you in return. My grandparents always taught me what is right from wrong and the right way to treat others. That is why I love them so much, I don’t really know how or who I would be if it wasn’t for them. I guess that is also the way they taught my dad on how to grow up. That is what brought him up today and what helped him become very successful in life. As a person and in a good career, my family always tells me that I am blessed with a lot of good things in the future. The only way to become or be a successful person in life is you have to believe in Jesus and also praise the lord that is how you would be a good person. Because my family always taught me that NAC is the only way in life for us to stay strong and smart in many different ways. To overcome all the negative witch craft that comes our way, if it jealousy or just hatred, we just praise the lord and nothing in life will be at least difficult.

Care2 Social Awareness Essay

Recently there have been a lot of hardships in society today as far as Obama raising the gas prices the BP oil spill in the Atlantic Ocean. And just a lot of things that have to do with the economy today with people not finding the jobs that suite their needs. If you r man or your woman should know what the new changes prevailed in the society. Where we have to take precaution to live better way in society? Which kind of hazard will come in your currier? How to solve your day today problem etc. But I don’t understand common things what r the different kind of relationship which effects in our younger age and post age. Which we can call it old age. If I will get this answer I will be very happy.

                Social awareness means knowing about your environment, your surroundings, everything that’s happening in society. The ability and perception to know and understand the motivations of groups of people, to know the values and priorities of such and take action appropriate to achieve goals in participation with other groups. For example take rivalry, the Miami matchup many people feel is the best out of the three as they currently compete in the same conference and have played some of the closest games, many ending notoriously in missed would-be game-winning field goals. The Florida-Miami matchup is the most infrequent of the three, as Florida prefers not to schedule talented teams, although this fact seems to have the effect of making their rare meeting even more intense.

                For fans of American college football there is no lack whatsoever of big rivalry. But when it comes to three ways, one trio stands out from the crowd. The top three Florida schools have competed valiantly for bragging rights within their state and on a national scale.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Prayer Changes Everything.

I’m Tyler and my religion is NAC, I believe that there are actually evil spirits and good spirits. The good spirits that we call are the Holy people, and the bad spirits we call witch crafters or Skin walkers. I think that it is very hard to be an Indian because there are a lot of rules you have to go by, there once was this time where my brother and my family went into a prayer service.  We found out a lot thanks to the hand tremblers that my family has. My brother has the gift of a Gila monster and my uncle has the power of the Shush, which is a bear in my language.
I think that me and my family are very lucky that my brother has the gift because it not only protects him but it protect all of us from whatever is outside the house up at my grandparents’ house. My brother is the one that is mostly blessed because he is and always will remain with the holy people. He is always protected from the dangers of the skin walkers or evil spirits. He can actually go head on with one of these evil spirits, and he has actually.
The other night before Easter, one of the evil spirits was walking around at night and started talking to my brother using my uncle to talk to him. He kind of scared my brother because he is about 60 years old and my brother is only 15 years. My brother doesn’t have that much experience compared to that guy. But when my brother does reach that age, he will be just as strong or may be stronger. My brother really doesn’t know how to use it because he isn’t really experienced; he barely found out that he had it.

Martin Luther King Jr. Quote

"I have a dream..."
- Martin Luther King Jr.

 What I thought of when I first heard about Martin Luther King Jr. was that he really didn’t want to see slavery and racism. Against the African Americans, which white people were doing just to take advantage of the blacks. The quote “I have a dream…”, Martin was trying to progress and tell a story about how he didn’t want there to be any more racism because he didn’t like it. But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.
One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. It is hard to be a Navajo because a lot of people make fun of you, and also they tell you where is your home in the dirt? I don’t that it is very cool to make fun of anybody. Just because they are a different race from you it doesn’t mean that you have to make fun of them. We are all human, we all come from the same person.
It would be sad for the nation to overlook the power of the moment. This harsh summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. 1963 is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice progresses.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The 5 Regrets of Death

What my thought on what the 5 Regrets of Death is that, I really wonder if people actually regret what or how they regret what they are doing in life. Let's say that if I wanted to kill myself and wished that I was dead, I think I wouldn't regret it. The only way I wouldn’t want to regret myself from dying is if my life was a wreck and I had nobody to turn to in life. Then I would be in a different mindset for what is going on in the future. My mindset as of right now with my dad in the condition that he is at is really saying screw life what is the whole purpose of being here right now? Why am I here, what is my purpose?
I know everyone has a purpose but me I don’t think that I have one, all I do is slack off in class and never do my homework, I would rather die than be a bum in the streets asking everyone for money like, do you have a quarter? Why would you even want to regret death when you know there is something better in the afterlife? I know that for a fact because everyone always says heaven is way chiller than earth.
I think that if my dad were to ever stop fighting for cancer and his life, I wouldn’t be me anymore; I would just be a kid that is and always will be depressed. Plus it would put a major effect on not only me but my family as well. My grandmother would be really torn down because she lost her dad not too long ago, and it is very hard for her to get over it. It was very hard for me to get over it to because he meant a lot to all of us, and he was the only one what would keep everything in check as far as farming wise. My great grandpa was a great man, he always made sure the horses had water and also they were fed every morning, as well as the cows and sheep.
I am very tore down from that too because once all of my other relatives pass, who will keep the ranch up and running. I don’t even know nor have half the knowledge of my grandparents now. Neither does any of my other cousins. The ranch up at my grandpas is about 180,000 acres. That is pretty good for a lot of animals to roam the area and maybe get some water when they are thirsty.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Malcolm X

"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today."
- Malcolm X

What my thoughts about what Malcolm X is trying to put out there is it is very true. The only way to make it out there in the real world is to get a higher education than just high school. That’s the way I see it, because without no college degree you most likely will be working from 9 to 5 at $7.50 per hour. That’s minimum wage, I really don’t think one will survive out there with only making that much amount of money. If I were to do some really good work and get paid a lot for it, it would be to mine gold and make about $1,668.92 an oz. Extrapolate that by 20 ounces of gold, which would be $33,360 pocketed money. Or I would either want to go to college for Dental Hygiene and become a Dentist; the route I would go is to get my schooling paid for from the Navajo tribe. The only way that is going to be possible is if I do well in school.
I think that Mr. Leh will help me become successful in the future if we keep praying to the heavenly father for good education and happiness. I know my dad will get well in the future it will take some time. Also I and my other family members have been having really good dreams about my dad healing and getting well. Like just the other night dreamt that my dad got all his muscle back and was walking around at my grandparents’ house. That made me so happy when I woke up, I was thinking it would be a miracle if my dad were to get back on his feet today and walk himself to the restroom. But I know that the creator and his son Jesus will always protect my family no matter what.
That is how much faith we as a family have in my Native American culture, because without it my family wouldn’t be successful Navajo jeweler silversmiths’. Especially when my grandfather passes he is going to give my uncle Jay his business and keep the silver smith tradition going for another 80 years until they teach my son or my youngest brother how to create Navajo jewelry. I think it would be really nice if my little brother knew how to silver smith. Then he would be really famous and successful on the Navajo reservation.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Albert Einstein Quote

"A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new."
- Albert Einstein 

From what I understand on what Albert is trying to get across is that the people who never mess up and never make a mistake, have never tied anything new. They are just stuck doing the same thing that they are already good at. Let’s say that if I’m already good at boxing, there is no possible way of me to ever make a mistake because I haven’t tried anything new yet. But if I’m new at something I’m bound to make a mistake at it, For example think that I have never driven a car in my life and I’m new at it. I wouldn’t really know what to do on the road.
So every day is a new learning experience with everything, because the more you know it will take you along way. That is what my grandparents always taught me, because I guess that is how they were raised and brought up. My grandma always tells me look alive, hurry up. The only reason why is because they tell us you guys are young, you are supposed to be young, strong, and fast. My grandparents always tell me and my brothers to get up early, and to go to sleep right when the sun hits the peak.
 I don’t know why but they said we have to keep our tradition going. What I think about my tradition is that it is very hard to be a Native American because you have a lot of rules to live by. The hardest one that I think to follow is having when you do a ceremony you have to stay holy for at least 5 days. Which regards no cutting your hair, leaving where the ceremony took place and a lot more.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Helen Keller Quote

"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood."
- Helen Keller

The way I understand this quote is that you should never be afraid of trying something new. Instead try it out it is only a learning experience, because it never hurts to at least try something. Let’s say if you are a pot smoker and you tell everyone it is not possible to quit. You are lying because anything is possible is what I always think. Because about one month ago, in December I didn’t know how to sing Navajo peyote songs and I thought they were impossible.
Until I practiced and practiced, then finally I got it down. I didn’t even know how to hit the drum until my uncle Jay taught me also. I love my family very much because I know they love me and they never want me to get hurt. The things they tell me are to learn every day, and to always think positive about things in life. My grandparents are very religious when it comes to NAC because that’s what cured my father. So every time I need help and struggling in school I turn to Jesus and pray for the good things to come in life. Because I have learned that NAC and my religion is the only way in life.
 What I think about this quote is that it is very powerful in words, because in my Navajo culture they would tell you the same thing. It never hurts to try something new in life; you never know how go you are at something until you try. What if that is your number one thing that you are good at doing? Some people think that doing work outside is a punishment well I do not think it is. I think that it is a learning experience, because I was taught of it to be like that. The type of person I am is one that likes to learn about many things.
Let’s say if my grandparents were to tell me to chop wood outside I would go and do it, most kids would be too lazy or would complain about it. That’s not the way life works, because I know I’m the only one to depend on when it comes to keeping my grandparents warm. Or if they told me go and help your uncle out and do something outside, like for example welding. I would love to weld and learn new things in life, that’s the only way to become very successful in life.

About Me

Hello, my name is Tyler and I grew up in Mesa, Arizona. Well when I was about 6 years old that's when my dad, I, my brother, and his mother moved here to Albuquerque, New Mexico. I am a Native American from Gallup, New Mexico. I really wasn't really into my religion when I was younger, then when I started to mature and realize things.
I turned to that and realized that, that's the only way for me to live a good life is to keep going into NAC meetings and keep practice singing songs with my Uncle's and praying for my family. In the past I didn't really know the true meaning of life until I turned my life to the Native American Church and started listening to what my Uncle Jonathon has taught me. And my uncle Jay has taught me a lot of things as far as working outside for my grandparents. I finally about late November figured out what the true meaning of life is, to learn to accept things the way they are and live life happy.
The motto I go by is Y.O.L.O You Only Live Once.! I think that my life really changed when we found out that my dad was diagnosed with cancer. That’s when I had to grow up and help out a lot around my house. My uncle Jonathon really helped me realize that I had to grow up and become a man. I know he is really wize because he is a Medicine Man. So he is the one person I look up to and he is the one that encourages me to go into NAC meetings. The NAC meetings really helped me change my life and turn it around, the holy peyote has taught me a lot of things and helped me figure out some of the good things in life.