Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Albert Einstein Quote

"A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new."
- Albert Einstein 

From what I understand on what Albert is trying to get across is that the people who never mess up and never make a mistake, have never tied anything new. They are just stuck doing the same thing that they are already good at. Let’s say that if I’m already good at boxing, there is no possible way of me to ever make a mistake because I haven’t tried anything new yet. But if I’m new at something I’m bound to make a mistake at it, For example think that I have never driven a car in my life and I’m new at it. I wouldn’t really know what to do on the road.
So every day is a new learning experience with everything, because the more you know it will take you along way. That is what my grandparents always taught me, because I guess that is how they were raised and brought up. My grandma always tells me look alive, hurry up. The only reason why is because they tell us you guys are young, you are supposed to be young, strong, and fast. My grandparents always tell me and my brothers to get up early, and to go to sleep right when the sun hits the peak.
 I don’t know why but they said we have to keep our tradition going. What I think about my tradition is that it is very hard to be a Native American because you have a lot of rules to live by. The hardest one that I think to follow is having when you do a ceremony you have to stay holy for at least 5 days. Which regards no cutting your hair, leaving where the ceremony took place and a lot more.

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