Monday, January 9, 2012

About Me

Hello, my name is Tyler and I grew up in Mesa, Arizona. Well when I was about 6 years old that's when my dad, I, my brother, and his mother moved here to Albuquerque, New Mexico. I am a Native American from Gallup, New Mexico. I really wasn't really into my religion when I was younger, then when I started to mature and realize things.
I turned to that and realized that, that's the only way for me to live a good life is to keep going into NAC meetings and keep practice singing songs with my Uncle's and praying for my family. In the past I didn't really know the true meaning of life until I turned my life to the Native American Church and started listening to what my Uncle Jonathon has taught me. And my uncle Jay has taught me a lot of things as far as working outside for my grandparents. I finally about late November figured out what the true meaning of life is, to learn to accept things the way they are and live life happy.
The motto I go by is Y.O.L.O You Only Live Once.! I think that my life really changed when we found out that my dad was diagnosed with cancer. That’s when I had to grow up and help out a lot around my house. My uncle Jonathon really helped me realize that I had to grow up and become a man. I know he is really wize because he is a Medicine Man. So he is the one person I look up to and he is the one that encourages me to go into NAC meetings. The NAC meetings really helped me change my life and turn it around, the holy peyote has taught me a lot of things and helped me figure out some of the good things in life.

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