Monday, February 27, 2012

The 5 Regrets of Death

What my thought on what the 5 Regrets of Death is that, I really wonder if people actually regret what or how they regret what they are doing in life. Let's say that if I wanted to kill myself and wished that I was dead, I think I wouldn't regret it. The only way I wouldn’t want to regret myself from dying is if my life was a wreck and I had nobody to turn to in life. Then I would be in a different mindset for what is going on in the future. My mindset as of right now with my dad in the condition that he is at is really saying screw life what is the whole purpose of being here right now? Why am I here, what is my purpose?
I know everyone has a purpose but me I don’t think that I have one, all I do is slack off in class and never do my homework, I would rather die than be a bum in the streets asking everyone for money like, do you have a quarter? Why would you even want to regret death when you know there is something better in the afterlife? I know that for a fact because everyone always says heaven is way chiller than earth.
I think that if my dad were to ever stop fighting for cancer and his life, I wouldn’t be me anymore; I would just be a kid that is and always will be depressed. Plus it would put a major effect on not only me but my family as well. My grandmother would be really torn down because she lost her dad not too long ago, and it is very hard for her to get over it. It was very hard for me to get over it to because he meant a lot to all of us, and he was the only one what would keep everything in check as far as farming wise. My great grandpa was a great man, he always made sure the horses had water and also they were fed every morning, as well as the cows and sheep.
I am very tore down from that too because once all of my other relatives pass, who will keep the ranch up and running. I don’t even know nor have half the knowledge of my grandparents now. Neither does any of my other cousins. The ranch up at my grandpas is about 180,000 acres. That is pretty good for a lot of animals to roam the area and maybe get some water when they are thirsty.